
Frequently asked questions

What time during a day can we make deposits and withdrawals?

You can deposit between 9:00 AM and 11:00 PM from Saturday to Friday and withdraw between 9:00 AM to12:00 PM from Monday to Thursday

When will the money be credited to the account after requesting the money?

If you register your withdrawal request during the working hours of the finance team, the requested amount will be deposited into your account

within a maximum of 1 hour. Please note that with the local exchange method, the time of deposit varies depending on the working hours of local

banks and the type of transfer. If your money is not deposited to your account within 24 hours, please contact our support team.

What are the deposit and withdrawal methods?

In order to facilitate deposits and withdrawals, various methods have been considered for customers. You can use our trusted exchanges,

directly through local bank and the Top Change payment portal, Cryptocurrnecy wallets automatically 24 hours a day. And top up your account 7 days a week

Will the tax authorities be notified if we make a profit?

No, all you trade and your personal information are confidential.

What is the minimum and maximum deposit and withdrawal limit?

The minimum deposit is 10$ for the CENT Account, ECN Account 300$, Standard 100$ , ECN PRO Account 5,000$ and VIP Account 10,000$. The maximum deposit amount for the Nano account is 1000$, but this amount is unlimited to other accounts. • The minimum withdrawal is 5$ for all accounts. The maximum withdrawal is unlimited.

How can I track the status of my Deposits, Withdrawals and Internal Transfers?

You can view your Deposits, Withdrawals and Internal Transfers requestes under My Request section in your user panel

If the deposit or withdrawal is made during the weekend, when will it be processed?

If you register your withdrawal request during the working hours of the finance team, the requested amount will be deposited into your account

within a maximum of 1 hour. Please note that with the local exchange method, the time of deposit varies depending on the working hours of

local banks and the type of transfer. If your money is not deposited to your account within 24 hours, please contact our support team.

When making a deposit can I use a different method from when withdrawing?

If you want to withdraw money, you must use the same methods that you used to deposit.

Withdrawals must be made in proportion to deposits, depending on the payment method.

If I have an open position, can I still withdraw money?

Yes, you can, but you need to make sure you have enough free margin in your account to cover the withdrawal.

How can I cancel my withdrawal request?

You can check the status of your request through your cabin in the requests section of the broker. If your request is under review, you can cancel

your request through the cabin.

How can I transfer money between my trading accounts?

First withdraw the amount from the trading account to your wallet from your user panel, Account section, Capital section, via the withdrawal

option, and after approval by the financial team, in the Capital section, deposit the desired amount from the wallet to the desired trading account.

Is there a charge for transferring money between accounts?

No, this type of transfer is free of charge.

Why my Deposit or Withdrawal process is rejected?

If your deposit or withdrawal is declined, you will be notified by email. The reason for rejection will be explained in the email. In addition,

through your cabin in the broker’s requests section, the status of your request will be sent with an explanation, and you can always

contact our trained support staff at support@corexfinances.com and ask them the reason and in the process get help

What could some reasons be for withdraws rejection?

Your application has probably been rejected for one of the following reasons: – Inadequate inventory – No trading activity has been carried

out since the last deposit. – Incorrect details – Lack of free margins to cover open positions – The payment method used for withdrawal is

different from the deposit method. – The withdrawal amount exceeds the deposit amount (credit cards or cash) – The withdrawal amount

does not cover the cost of the payment system. – The requested additional information is not provided. – Request from a third party for a wire transfer. In addition, you can always contact our

highly qualified support staff at support@corexfinances.com and ask for the reason to get help with the process.

What should I do if the withdrawal amount is not transferred to my account after 24 hours?

Check the status of your request through your cabin in the broker’s requests section and if necessary contact our trained support staff at support@corexfinances.com and ask the reason and get them help in this process.

Why is my internal transfer not approved?

The reason for rejecting the internal transfer can be insufficient margin or failure to meet withdrawal conditions if you have bonuses in the account.

If necessary, contact our trained support staff at support@corexfinances.com and ask for the reason.

Why is my trading login not charged, although my deposit has been confirmed?

After your deposit is approved by the finance team, your wallet will be charged in the broker and you can select the deposit option in the Accounts

section of the Capital area and transfer the amount from the wallet to your trading account.